
{ Pipestone Senior Center }

Established in 1974, the Pipestone Senior Center is a non-profit organization serving our senior population for nearly 50 years. Over this time, we have seen needs increase while space and facilities have not. In recent years we have relocated three times and currently operate in a small, rented location that has limited services. Our current services are quite limited and do not meet the needs of our senior citizens.
Senior center at schroeder center 2024 (photo by erica volkir)
What we do for Pipestone area senior citizens:
  • Provide social gathering space
  • Provide congregate dining services
  • Conduct seminars / classes
  • Coordinate special events

What this project will accomplish:
  • Provide additional resources through partnership with the Food Shelf and Meals on Wheels/Lutheran Social Services
  • Provide consistent space for activities
  • Enhance learning programs through dedicated space and built-in technology
  • Broaden our reach to larger population of seniors
  • Provide a long-term ‘home’ for services to meet current and future need